This is my personal blog about the random thoughts and things that happen in my life. I hope you enjoy the content and please leave comments letting me know you stopped by. Thank you
Hi everyone! Please check out my latest zazzle creations. If you see a design you like but it's not on a product you like, just let me know and I'll see about putting it on a product that zazzle offers. NOTE: At this time I don't do the embroidery items since they have an additional charge to me and a waiting period to produce. Thanks, Nora
Hi, My name is Nora and I am a 42 yr old woman who was born with spina bifida and I am a wheelchair user. I live with my boyfriend Chip whom I've been with for 9 yrs now. Please help me achieve my daily goal of gaining at least 3 new followers to this blog per day.
Thank you:)
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