Last night 8/9/08 Chip and I decided to go to the City Center and check out one of the movies that the dept of parks and rec. are putting on during the month of Aug. on Sat. nights. It was a great night with temps around the low 80's in the day and prob. in the 70''s or 60's in the evening. We got there early and got a front row spot in front of the large screen they had outside in front of the large beautiful fountain with the surrounding Marriott hotel and upscale shops behind that. After picking our spot I went to the stand while Chip held our spot and I got some free popcorn and a couple of sodas to enjoy while watching the movie under the stars. The movies was started between 8 or 8:30 pm. The movies they play are family movies and there were a lot of people, at least a couple hundred with their families or with their dates, significant others, or possible couples on their first dates. It was very romantic:) For a children's movie Charlottes Web is a very much a movie that can be enjoyed by adults as well. It was a very emtional movie and was moved to tears toward the end. I can remember reading the book when I was young and the movie did a great job of capturing it. Although the movie has been out a while, I had not seen it and it made the occassion very special to see it under the stars holding hands with my sweetheart. Afterwards we went to Sonic and got a late night dinner and ice cream. It was a great night indeed:)